Peer Learning and Capacity Building
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Capacity building is at the core of services provided by the Astana Civil Service Hub, designed to enhance the institutional and human resources capacities of the civil service systems in the region. 

Based on demand from national governments, the Astana Hub develops initiatives in an inclusive and participatory manner, aiming to strengthen the ability of participants to perform core functions, overcome obstacles, and achieve set objectives.

The Hub’s capacity development framework assists civil servants by providing an extensive portfolio of learning and development solutions, ranging from open learning programmes to tailored learning solutions, workshops, seminars and scholarships. 

The ACSH uses the following tools in its capacity building and learning initiatives:

  • Organisation of various workshops, seminars and similar activities with participation of leading experts in the field and based on the needs of the participating countries;
  • Provision of advisory services as a regional centre where participating countries can exchange best practices;
  • Organisation of surveys to identify needs of its partners and participating countries;
  • Development and publication of scholarly and information materials.

The Hub also employs the expertise of consultants from a wide range of backgrounds and industries (academic but not limited to) because of a long-standing working relationship built with partner institutions and experts.

As a part of its peer learning and capacity building pillar, the Astana Hub successfully facilitates and promotes peer-to-peer learning by launching Peer Learning Alliances, created to capture tacit knowledge of practitioners (or reformers) and share between reformers best solutions for country-specific problems, as well as develop and implement “best fit” reforms.

Peer learning and capacity building events 
