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Regional Hub of Civil Service in Astana held a workshop on “Sharing experience on public services delivery on the principle of Peer-to-Peer” with the participation of representatives of public services delivery Centers in Canada, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan and international experts for the first time.
During the workshop Governance Advisor of Development Cooperation Directorate of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Anna Piccinni spoke about Effective Institutions Platform Peer-to-Peer learning objectives.
During the workshop there were presented experiences of public services delivery centers of Azerbaijan (“ASAN” Service Center), Georgia (Public Service Halls), Kazakhstan (State Corporation “Government for Citizens”) and Canada (Institute for Citizen-Centred Service (ICCS). Given the extensive experience of these countries in the work on the principle of “one-stop shop”, experts considered issues of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the civil service.
The event was held to provide a platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge on the principle of “peer-to-peer” for practitioners of the Hub’s member countries. This platform will give an opportunity to discuss current issues, innovative approaches and trends in the field of public services and the prospects for the creation of the practitioners Alliance for further exchange of experiences and knowledge. Establishment of the Alliance as a partner network will improve the implementation of the reform “one-stop shop” and strengthen cooperation among the member countries of the Hub.
CONCEPT NOTE P2P learning workshop-en-24052016
AGENDA P2P LA Workshop on May 27_eng_24052016
Bios of WS presenters_enAzerbaijan_ASAN service_eng
Kazakhstan_State Corporation_engAzerbaijan_ASAN service_eng
Canada_ICCS Service Canada_eng