The large-scale study on «Global and regional trends in the development of the public service», developed jointly by the Regional Hub in the sphere of civil service in Astana and the Global Centre of the UNDP in Singapore, is aimed at the filling of the gaps of public service in Kazakhstan, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Regional Hub in the sphere of civil service in Astana Alikhan Baimenov has said during a press conference in the CCS.
«Public authorities do not always have enough resources to receive the necessary material. And the present work aims to fill these gaps in our region, for the Government in the first place. This work was made possible thanks to a new level of development of the hub, which includes 34 countries and 5 international organizations. The Hub includes 85 international experts in various fields of civil service from 25 countries», A. Baimenov has said. According to him, this study represents the unique synthesis material that combines the theoretical basis and the applied expertise of the leading international scholars and practitioners in the field of public administration.
«This survey is the first in its kind. This study was made possible by an extensive institutional and expert network of the hub that brings together the practitioners and researchers from different regions of the world. The team of authors consists of world’s leading experts in the field of public service», he said.
The work has covered the main trends of public service development and reform over the past twenty years in Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, the Caucasus and the CIS.
In turn, Director of the Global Centre Max Everest-Phillips has stressed that the key competitive advantage of any country in the 21st century is the good governance.
«For me it is a great honor to work closely with the Regional hub in Astana, which has developed a fantastic network, and it currently has a major influence in matters of civil service and reforms in the country. This review has a very great promise, it is important to note that there is a clear, pronounced transformation that takes place in all countries. We see that there is a big change in the impact of interactions between the citizens and the state. This report is the unique and timely, which emphasizes the importance of the public service», the expert has noted.
According to the speakers, the presented research work will serve as a useful and unique resource for the practitioners involved in the reform of the civil service, as well as for scientists and experts in this field in Kazakhstan and in the countries participating in the hub and beyond.
In a broader sense, the study is intended to contribute to the efficiency of public service by supporting the efforts of the Governments in the region in capacity-building reforms.
By Indira Kaumetova