Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Regional Hub Alikhan Baimenov met with Asian Association of Public Administration (AAPA) President, Professor of Public Administration at Yonsei University (Republic of Korea) Pan Suk Kim in Astana to discuss further development of bilateral relations between the Hub and AAPA.
Parties also discussed the preparation to the annual AAPA International Conference, planned to be held in Astana on 13-14 April in cooperation with the Regional Hub. The conference will host leading researchers and practitioners of the Asian countries to discuss topical issues in the sphere of public administration, including challenges and innovative approaches in the public sector development. A special high-level session called “Pan-Asian dialogue: effective governance and SDGs” is also planned in the framework of the conference.
Mr. Pan Suk Kim expressed his gratitude for the meeting, mentioning the importance of the Regional Hub activity in promoting excellence in civil service. “The Hub’s mandate is not only in promoting the civil service in the region, but also in other parts of the world. The Hub puts much effort in creating the network of experts and advocating for research and development of good practices in public administration”, Mr. Kim stated.
During the meeting, the parties also agreed on the main directions of the cooperation between the Hub and AAPA, including organization of joint events and conducting joint research projects on the questions of great current interest in public administration.
The Regional Hub of Civil Service in Astana is an institutional platform for the continuous exchange of expertise and best practices in the sphere of civil service for the countries of the reigon. Currently, there are 36 participating in the Hub, including the countries in America, EU, CIS, Caucasus and ASEAN.
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