Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Regional Hub of Civil Service in Astana Alikhan Baimenov met with Minister of Personnel Management of the Republic of Korea Mr. Kim Dong-Keuk.
During the meeting, Alikhan Baimenov noted active development of cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the Astana Hub with 36 participating countries, including America, EU, CIS, the Caucasus and ASEAN. "Hub has been assisting the governments of the region not only in development of civil service, but also has been disseminating best practices and innovative methods," - said Mr. Baimenov.
Mr. Kim commended the activities carried out by the Hub as an international platform for the continuous exchange of knowledge and expertise and expressed interest in further cooperation. "The Hub is a unique and useful platform for the development of civil service. And we are ready to share our experiences with countries of the region and acquire new experience on this platform,"- said Mr. Kim.
During the meeting the parties discussed the possible directions of cooperation within the Hub such as joint case studies and activities to enhance the capacity of the Hub’s participating countries civil servants on the basis of the Korean experience and expansion of expert networks of the parties. Moreover, participants of the meeting discussed the development of human resources, the implementation of innovative projects, talent management and systems of public service values.
The Republic of Korea is one of the founders and active members of the Astana Hub - institutional platform for sharing experiences and knowledge in the field of civil service for the region.
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