H.E. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to Kazakhstan (2012-2015) Mr. Baik Joo-hyeon met the representatives of the Astana hub on 25 October.
During the meeting, Mr. Baik Joo-hyeon recalled the Founding Conference that took place in March 2015 with the participation of the representatives of 25 countries and 5 international organizations. Mr. Baik Joo-hyeon was an honorable guest of the Conference representing the Republic of Korea, which became one of the Hub’s founding countries. “The Astana Hub has made a huge progress since its inception in 2013. We highly appreciate the Hub’s important role and achievements in promoting civil service excellence in the Hub’s participating countries”, - he noted.
Furthermore, Mr. Baik Joo-hyeon stressed the crucial role of government in creating favorable conditions for foreign investors. “Without efficient and capable government officials it will be difficult to create a good investment environment. I hope the Hub will contribute to the improvement of this area. The Republic of Korea is ready to support and share its experience”, - he said.
On behalf of the Hub’s Secretariat and Chairman of the Steering Committee Alikhan Baimenov, the Hub’s representatives expressed to Mr. Baik Joo-hyeon the words of appreciation for continued support and long-term cooperation.
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